Workstation Assessments
Correct workstation set up is important for all workers, to ensure that they are ergonomically set-up, decreasing the pressure placed through their body whilst performing their work tasks.
Does your staff know how to operate their chair and other workstation equipment to set themselves up correctly? Do they complain of headaches, wrist discomfort or back pain from working at their workstation? Fitworks Health have been working with business for over 20 years to ensure staff have healthy and productive workspaces, reducing their physical, visual, stress and fatigue and therefore optimising their performance.
We follow the national guidelines for using computers, assisting business to implement these guidelines, along with adhering to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) to reducing risk at all workstations. We can assist your business to decrease staff discomfort, pain and injury through assisting them with correct workstation set up and equipment provision. This can include any workstation such as retail, production line or computer spaces.
Services we can provide include:
- Computer workstation assessments
- Industry workstation assessments
- Education sessions
- Equipment assessments and provision