Workplace Health and Safety Consultancy
We work with businesses to improve their workplace health and safety culture and performance, providing guidance which improves their bottom line, staff retention, absenteeism and presentism.
If you want to create a healthy workplace, prevent injuries and ill heath at work and improve the wellbeing of your workers we can provide individualised programs that suits your business needs. Safe workplaces are a key focus to protecting workers from injuries or illnesses. Different businesses have different risks. We can assist your business to identify and mitigate risks from occurring.
Have you got your health and safety system set up and are you mitigating the risk for yourself and your staff? We link with local and national services and industry professionals to provide tailored advice and support, specific to your workplace needs.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), every business has a responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers, and that others are not put at risk by the work of the business (for example, customers, visitors, children and young people, or the general public). We assist small to medium businesses to access services and support to improve workplace health and safety.
Services we can provide include:
- Workplace assessments
- Risk assessments
- Job dictionaries/descriptions
- Pre-employment functional assessments
- Task analyses
- Health and safety advice